The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

What’s been the biggest game changer in publishing since the Kindle was released 10 years ago? Jim and Bryan start out with a thank you to their patrons A Dragon Among Eagles: A Novel of the Roman Empire, Blogging for Authors, and The Ten-Year Turnaround: Transform Your Personal Finances and Achieve Financial Freedom. This week’s tips include how authors can save tons of money by avoiding these unnecessary publishing expenses, making the transition from KU to wide a bit easier, and increasing engagement on Facebook with hints from Andrea Vahl. News includes how Anna Todd is returning to her indie roots with her next series, the latest PEW survey suggests keeping tabs on the reading habits of millennials when publishing, an inspiring interview with Mark Stay and Mark Desvaux about their Bestseller Experiment, speculation on what is triggering recent Amazon rank strips, and the 10th anniversary of the Kindle. Question of the Week: What do you think has been the biggest innovation in publishing since the Kindle device went live in 2007 and why?

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