Wed, 26 December 2018
What was the highlight of your indie publishing journey this year? Bryan and Jim review the highs and lows of indie publishing in 2018 through the 5 biggest stories of the past year. Bryan and Jim thank all the Patrons who supported the Sell More Books Show this year. There are a few more sponsorship opportunities available for the Sell More Books Show Summit in 2019. The Top news stories that affected indie authors in 2018: How did the GDPR implementation change our industry, what are the side-effects of the Createspace to KDP migration, which scandals hit our community this past year, why the pay-to-play world deserves your attention, and which success stories made the “wrap-up” list. Question of the Week: What was your own biggest personal publishing story in 2018 and why? |
Wed, 19 December 2018
What’s the "sweet spot" number of rewrites before a blurb is ready to post on a retailer sales page? Jim welcomes Bryan back to the studio. Bryan reports on the benefits of being completely disconnected from the internet for three days. The Sell More Books Show Summit is officially SOLD OUT! The winner of Clark Chamberlain’s outline service is Chad Boyer. The Happy Book Reviews winner this week is Mary Hamilton. Bryan thanks this week’s featured Patrons: How to Become a Productivity Guru, The Darby Shaw Chronicles Box Set, and Mayhem and Murder. Jim mentions Honoree Corder’s new course - You Must Write a Book. The Hot Tips this week include why word-of-mouth marketing is essential in 2019, how to find the focus you need to increase productivity, and which unprofitable niches you’ll want to avoid. The News stories that matter most to indie authors are what new tricks is Barnes & Noble up to, how to increase royalty earnings on Apple audiobooks, Erin St. Charles repacking success story, how great blurbs help Svetlana Melyan relaunch her YA paranormal series, and why ads are now a do or die for authors. Question of the Week: How many rewrites do you usually do of your book descriptions before you post them to the e-retailers? Are you usually pretty happy with them when they're finished? |
Wed, 12 December 2018
When you examine your author career, how do you define success? Bryan is taking a mental health break this week and Jim welcomes his co-hosts J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon. Jim thanks our Featured Patrons: Rebel Song, Triumviratus, and Level Up. This week’s Happy Book Review Winner is Tory Element. The Top Tips include why Amazon Web Services could be your next email newsletter service, how meditation can help you access creative energy, and how to view your marketing strategy as a marathon—not a sprint. The News stories that matter most to indie authors this week are how an Australian author kept the royalties she deserved, what are YouTube Stories and how can you use them, what Matt Staggs did to hit his first $500 dollar month, why author self-education is such a critical piece of the success puzzle, and congratulations to indie author and podcaster Mark Dawson on realizing the million dollar dream. Question of the Week: What's your definition of success as an author? Is it a dollar amount per month? Is it 500 reviews? The only answer you can't give is “when a reader enjoys my book.” |
Wed, 5 December 2018
If a genie could grant you one of the following, which would you want: Amazon Charts ranking, New York Times bestseller ranking, or 1,000 reviews on the book of your choice? Bryan encourages everyone to listen to the Self-Publishing Decisions Webinar Replay and set some goals for 2019. Long-time friend of the show Clark Chamberlain is currently running a sale for his outstanding outline service and Bryan is going to purchase one and raffle it off - listen to the podcast for details. Jim reminds everyone that an Author Marketing Club lifetime membership is still available for $97. The Happy Book Reviews Feature winner this week is Nicki Davis. Bryan thanks this week’s Featured Patrons: Planet Dead One Shot: The Briggs Boys, Strings of Subversion, and Mayhem & Murder. Hot Tips for indie authors include why mental endurance is important to a writer, how slow and steady can win the race, and how to prioritize writing even with a day job. Honorable Mention goes to Joanna Penn and her amazing decade. The news stories that matter most this week are why Mystery Writers of America un-awarded, how to make a go of publishing/aggregating, Dorene Stalter's likes and interests author success story, how to hit the NYT bestseller list, and how JA Culican found success around the world. Question of the Week: What would you rather have: a spot on the Amazon Charts, a spot on the New York Times bestseller list, or 1,000 reviews on a single book and why? |
Wed, 28 November 2018
What do you think the secret is to local indie bookstore survival? Bryan discusses the benefits of matching family snowsuits and Jim hopes all of you had a wonderful holiday. Thursday, November 29, Bryan, Jim, J. Thorn, and Zach Bohannon will be hosting a free webinar designed to help you achieve the sales and success you need. (Link in the show notes) Over on Author Marketing Club there is a fantastic sale in progress! The Happy Book Reviews Feature winner is Holly Ostara. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: WordPress Security 101: How to Secure Your Website Against Hackers, Awakening Forever, and Flotsam. The Hot Tips this week include why commenting on a Netflix Facebook page could be a fun strategy, how beta reader diversity can help your writing, and what Amazon Giveaways can do for your marketing. The news stories that are important to indies right now are the benefits of giving your books to people in need, why Bryan thinks indie bookstores are on an upsurge, the Honey Phillips success story, how Jim thinks the indie author journey will differ from indie musicians, and how research paid off for author Sadie Moss. Question of the Week: When's the last time you went into an independent bookstore? How do you think the indie bookstores around you have stuck around for the long haul? |
Wed, 21 November 2018
What would be your perfect sales reporting software? After sharing their Thanksgiving plans, Jim and Bryan award Nathan Goodman the latest Happy Book Reviews feature. They also thanked their patrons Sales Success Stories, Nolan Walker and the Superiors Squad, and How to Self-Publish a Children's Book. The tips included creating a "to-don't list," writing with audio in mind, and why creativity may need a walk. This week's stories include checking your Createspace password, the latest on Amazon buy buttons for books, Amazon's newest sales reporting dashboard, why Mark Dawson thinks Amazon is headed for a pay-to-play platform, and how Jami Albright knocked her latest launch out of the park. Question of the Week: What features do you think have been missing from book sales reporting software? Do you think you'll use Amazon's new KDP Reports often? |
Wed, 14 November 2018
Do you have a financial plan to get you through lean months? Jim welcomes Bryan back from the 20Booksto50K conference in Las Vegas. This week’s Happy Book Reviews feature winner is Pete Bauer. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: Doubt the Stars, A Turn for the Worse, and Born Under a Bad Sign. The Hot Tips for indies this week are how indie authors can be better indie publishers, why negative reviews can boost sales, and what a marketing education can do your for your titles. The News you don’t want to miss includes how AI book translation is changing the future, what happened at Bowker, what steps did Sara Celi take to eradicate her impostor syndrome, where did all the ebooks go and what is Amazon doing about it, and how to fit your passion into your profits. Question of the Week: How do you plan for months where you'll earn less from your writing than usual? |
Wed, 7 November 2018
If you had one "author wish" what would it be? Our Happy Book Reviews feature winner this week is George Sirois. Bryan thanks our wonderful Patrons: Fighting to Survive, The Hunted, and Leading Effectively: Proven Leadership. This week, Bryan talked success stories with nine awesome special guests. Expect insights, entertainment, and wildly varying amounts of white noise. Enjoy! Question of the Week: If you could get a genie to grant you your perfect author success story, what would it be? Please describe it in your response. |
Wed, 31 October 2018
Do you give great advice? Do you wish you’d take it? Bryan reports on the benefits of his mental health day last week. Jim talks about preparing for a speaking road-tour in 2019. This week’s Happy Book Reviews feature winner is S.J. Pajonas. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: Stone Cold, Dorothy and the Cane of Destiny: Book One in the Elderly Chronicles, and The Life Actionbook: Tools and Actions for Personal Development. The Hot Tips you need include how to set home office boundaries to increase productivity, why pre-planning can help you reap more benefits from writer’s conferences, and why writing stories of different lengths can broaden your audience. Our Honorable Mention news story is a great new subscription bundle which includes Scribd with the New York Times. The top News stories affecting indie authors this week include how Dragon Professional has abandoned the Mac platform, why James Patterson is adding Facebook Messenger to his next book launch, what happened to some authors buy buttons on Amazon, who unmasked Data Guy, and how John Logsdon leveraged his writing into a $20K per month business. Question of the Week: Have you ever given advice to another author you haven't taken yourself? How has it felt when that advice worked like gangbusters? |
Wed, 24 October 2018
![]() Would you knowingly write a book in a poorly selling genre? Jim welcomes his cohost Alex Newton from K-Lytics. This week’s winner of the Happy Book Reviews feature is Katherine Bogle. Jim thanks the featured Patrons: Achieve Anything In Just One Year, Dead Still, and The Busy Busy Author: Writing Faster and More Efficiently to Fit Around your Busy Life. The Hot Tips this show are why you need a good quality author photo, what path do readers take to find your titles and become superfans, and how a good author bio can strengthen your brand. The big News stories for the indie author world this week include how audiobooks are taking off in Canada, how will a mega-store closure affect traditional publishing, why tiny niche markets can be great for sales, what is Kobo gaining by working with Walmart, and an author success story on rebranding and revitalizing. Question of the Week: Have you, or would you ever, write a book into a genre you knew wasn't selling that well? And if so, why? |
Wed, 17 October 2018
Have you stumbled across some unusual keywords that have given you surprisingly positive results? “Happy Birthday!” to Bryan, who celebrated this past weekend. This week’s Happy Book Reviews Feature winner is Dan Thompson. Bryan and Jim share a hilarious post from William Oday—the ultimate Sell More Books Show spinoff—Bigfoot Big Heart: A Steamy Cleaned Romance. Bryan thanks the Patrons - Cold War: Alien Incursion and Guardian of the Grail. The Hot Tips include why the best keywords may not be your first choice, new ways to win back old email subscribers, and why price pulsing on ebooks can be an effective strategy. The Top News stories that matter to indies this week include the pros and cons of Barnes and Noble’s new print book pre-order feature, how recent changes at Apple could affect authors and increase income, author Katherine Bogle’s success story on rapid release and writing to market, Jim’s thoughts on Apple’s opportunities in the audiobook market, and how author Elana Johnson made massive financial gains in a single year. Question of the Week: Which unexpected advertising keywords and targets have provided you with results for your books and why didn't you think they'd work? |
Wed, 10 October 2018
If you had the opportunity to pick a spinoff for a specific market from one of your series, which one would you choose? Jim is still scheduling 15-minute consultations over on, hop on over and set up your one-on-one. Bryan had a great time on Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn and shares his awesome experience. This week’s Happy Book Reviews winner is RJ Beam. Bryan and Jim thank our featured Patrons: We Own the Sky, Faster Than Falling, and Leaving Eva. The Hot Tips include how to sell books without selling your soul, why Google docs could be the workflow solution you’ve been searching for, and why NaNoWriMo is worth a try. The News stories that matter most to Indies this week are how a change in VAT could line your pockets with extra cash, what issues will likely cause Wattpad’s token system to fail, how Kyla Steinkraus reached $5k in monthly earnings with a write-to-market spinoff, what’s up at Draft2Digital and why you should care, and how author Aidy Aaward exploded her income with a few key strategies. Question of the Week: What would be your Spinoff to Market? Also, what would be a Spinoff to Market for Jim and Bryan with the Sell More Books Show? (i.e. Shawty and the Hustla in the Wild Wild West) |
Wed, 3 October 2018
If Amazon is willing to ditch long-string categories, what else do you think they will jettison? Jim welcomes Bryan back from his West Coast mastermind retreat. The guys celebrate their 700,000th podcast download. This week’s Happy Book Review feature winner is David Mark Brown. Bryan thanks the featured patrons God and Gigs, Star Flame, and Peppermint Mocha Murder. The top Tips this week include how to successfully schedule the habit of writing, how stats can help you master paid advertising, and why author endorsements might not be out of your reach. Here are the News stories you won’t want to miss: How the subscription model of book sales is flourishing in Sweden, why the Wonky Donkey kicked Fear from the top spot, which tips Craig Zerf followed to double his income in August, Dave Chesson explains what is happening with Amazon categories, and how going wide helped J.D. Brown gain a big boost for a backlist series. Question of the Week: Amazon may be getting rid of longer category strings on your sales pages. What do you think is the next big change Amazon will put into practice? |
Wed, 26 September 2018
Is going to start publishing all your stuff? Do you have a nickname for guest host Craig Martelle? Bryan is on vacation and Jim has the pleasure of guest hosting with prolific sci-fi writer Craig Martelle. Jim and Craig discuss the 20Booksto50K Facebook group that Craig manages, a group that recently hit 25,000 members and adds about 50 new members per day. Jim thanks all the show Patrons which can be viewed at Your Top Tips this week include why you shouldn’t overdo the “show don’t tell,” how Facebook is improving you ability to interact in groups, why Story Origin could help improve your also-boughts. The news stories that you definitely need to hear this week are why the French don’t approve of indie pubbing, how Rachel Medhurst moved her sales without a rapid-release strategy, who’s been taking bribes to make negative Amazon reviews disappear, how Michelle Lancaster found success in writing pulp fiction, and how’s new TOS may be driving user to jump ship. Question of the week: Was the legal wording put in at just legal mumbo-jumbo, or was it really put in so they could do things with your content? Sub-question: What is Craig Martelle's SMBS show name? Crazy Craig Martelle? We need something better than that! |
Wed, 19 September 2018
Will developmental editing or marketing give you the biggest bang for your buck on book one? Would you publish without an in-depth edit? Bryan and Jim have a great show for you this week! Bryan’s getting ready to take a little time off and Jim will have a special guest host for you next week. Jim notes that his Author Accelerate conferences have revealed that a lot of authors are in the wrong category. Winner of the Happy Book Reviews feature is Chuck Manley. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: SPA Girls - How to Kick Author Overwhelm in the Butt!, The Thing Speaks for Itself, and Dark as the Grave. This week’s hot Tips include how to manage distractions and write more, what authors think the cost of hiring editors, and why patience is the name of the game with AMS ads. The stories that matter most to indie authors are why Target is redacting certain words in book descriptions, how Instafreebie’s rebrand could help you, how slow and steady release schedules can lead to author success, why ad spend and careful monitoring is critical to success, and which strategies and choices helped Kevin Butman to a successful book launch. Question of the Week: Is it more important to spend money on developmental and copyediting on your first book or to spend it on marketing like book covers? If you had to choose between waiting to publish or going forth without the heavy editing, which would you choose and why? |
Wed, 12 September 2018
How does your author business set the tone for your lifestyle? Do you need to make changes to your business plan to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams? Jim and Bryan ask everyone to stay safe during the approaching hurricane on the east coast. This week's Happy Book Reviews winner is Nadja Baer. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: The Author's Guide to Ebook Publishing, More than Monsters, and A Band Director's Guide to Everything Tuba: A Collection of Interviews with the Experts. Don’t miss this weeks Top Tips including how to avoid the sophomore slump with your second book, why dividing your time between projects will lead to long term success, and when to use reader surveys to foster community. The “Don’t Miss” news stories are why Amazon purchased Tapzo, which strategies can help you hit the $1,000 per month mark, what’s up with AMS ads now, how Amy Linnabary Meyer got to a five-figure month, and what does Jeff Bezos hold for the future. Question of the Week: What kind of a lifestyle do you want connected to your author business? What kind of changes would you need to make to your publishing and marketing to make that lifestyle happen? |
Wed, 5 September 2018
If one of your books or series exploded with unimaginable monetary success, would you continue to write in that world or would you pursue other passions? Jim is back from Montana and he and Bryan have a great show for you. Bryan has a limited time sale on Best Page Forward book descriptions over at ! Some of the Sell More Books Summit speakers are announced. Jim is still taking submissions for the Author Accelerate 31 Covers revamp! This week’s Happy Book Reviews winner is JB Wocoski. Bryan thanks our wonderful featured patrons: The Efficient Writer, Taking Charge - Making your Healthcare Appointments Work for You, and Nightblade. Here are the Hot Tips this week: Why you should disregard one-star reviews, how authors can re-title a series without missing a beat, and why it’s important to connect with influencers in a genuine way. We have an Honorable Mention news story that reveals the true nature of Ian Fleming’s indie author roots. You won’t want to miss these Top News Stories including how traditional publishers are experimenting with more aggressive ebook pricing, how Walmart and Kobo are making their move with competitor price matching, author Jacki James shares which strategies helped her get to a four-figure per month income, how two authors turned a zombie snafu into a marketing boon, and which writing strategies helped author Brent Nichols move past his backlist and into profits. Question of the Week: If you had your big-time unicorn success with one of your books or series, would you continue to write in that genre or would you spend time on your other artistic passions as well? |
Sun, 2 September 2018
Happy Labor Day weekend! Enjoy this bonus episode, an audio-only replay recording of Wednesday's How to Optimize Your Amazon Sales Page to Sell More Books Forever webinar. We've included the slides and the video edition in the show notes. If you'd like to take advantage of Bryan's Best Page Forward bulk description sale, click and select Add to Cart before Fri., Sept. 7th: Each level provides at least one special bonus, including the five-pack bonus of three group coaching sessions with Write to Market master Chris Fox! We hope you enjoy this special episode.
Direct download: SMBS_Labor_Day_Sale_Ep_Bonus_Ep_9-1-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST |
Wed, 29 August 2018
How can you overcome your own mental roadblocks to take your writing career to the next level? Jim is out fishing and Bryan has a wonderful guest co-host—Adam Croft. Bryan and Adam get off course discussing cider, but bring it back on topic with Adam’s new nonfiction book, The Indie Author Mindset. This week’s Happy Book Reviews feature winner is Steeven R. Orr. Bryan thanks our Featured Patrons The Strange, Excelsior, and How to Sex Your Snake. Some great tips this week include how to republish on Kobo without losing your reviews, which overhaul strategies helped launch one author’s career, and how to up your click-through rates on Bookbub ads. We have an Honorable Mention story this week about which types of entertainment kids are into besides video games. The Top News stories you’ll want to hear are which new promotional tools can help your next release, how soon you’ll have to move your books from Createspace to KDP, an author success story with quadrupled sales, why tax law changes could add to you bottom line, and what strategy one author used to double page reads. Question of the Week: How do you think your mindset has held you back in your indie author career? What would you have to do to overcome that mental hurdle to take your career to the next level? |
Wed, 22 August 2018
What's your best "sky is falling" clickbait headline for the author community? Jim and Bryan are back in action, and they're here to announce the Author Accelerate 31 Covers promotion, which gives you a chance to get a professional cover tweak! After thanking their patrons Hypercage, The Secret Blush, and Sell More Books With Less Social Media, the dynamic duo provided tips on writing out of town, organizing your email lists, and building your brand. News stories included the launch of the Walmart/Kobo online bookstore, the biggest international stories of the week, China Literature's recent film company purchase, one author's slow but steady path to success, why the sky isn't falling on Facebook, and how another author 30x'd his sales by buckling down and doing the work. This week's Question of the Week: What's the best made-up headline you can come up with about the latest terrible thing happening to the author community? (i.e. Amazon Now Requires Blood Sample to Join KDP Select) |
Wed, 15 August 2018
What is a promotional technique you’ve used in the past that you're willing to give a second shot? Bryan and Jim talk about the importance of family time. This week’s Happy Book Reviews feature winner is StoryHack. Bryan thanks our Featured Patrons How to Drive Your Next Car Deal, A Christmas Gift, and The Last Verdict. Some great self-publishing tips include why frugality and creativity are a winning combination, how to make the most of squeeze pages, and which Gmail hacks can save you time. We have an Honorable Mention news story this week delving into the recent Mailerlite maelstrom. The Top Five news stories you need to know include why trad pub authors are taking a hit, how authors can take advantage of Amazon’s new video feature, a fantastic success story from Victoria Bright, which authors are the latest victims of Amazon’s Terms of Service crackdown, and why giving away free books can still lead to great sell-through royalties. Question of the Week: What's a promotional method you've tried in the past that didn't work that you'd consider giving your full effort on here in the present? |
Wed, 8 August 2018
Will you actually take action on the information you gather from free info, books, or webinars or do you need to pay for training to make it a priority? Jim is back from vacation and he is having great success with his new clients on Bryan has an informative Amazon Ads webinar coming up tomorrow - don’t miss out! The Happy Book Reviews winner this week is Steeven Orr. Bryan takes a moment to thank the featured Patrons Unfrozen, 31 Days of Wisdom: A Daily Devotional for Christ-Followers, and 5 Numbers of Destiny: Change your Fate. This weeks most helpful tips include a great financial tool for your author business, why it’s so important to ask your readers what they want, and how crowdfunding creativity may be the key to your success. The five news stories that rose to the top this week are which books are trending on Barnes and Noble, what ever happened to cockygate, why writing to market and rapid release are still successful strategies, how large-print editions and audiobooks can provide additional income, and author Rob Peecher’s inspiring success story. Question of the Week: Are you the kind of learner who needs to take a paid course for accountability or can you take free or cheap info from a video or a book and use those resources to put the info into action? |
Wed, 1 August 2018
![]() Do you think Authors Direct can provide Amazon with serious competition, and would you use them? Bryan is joined by four co-hosts as the Best Page Forward team takes over the podcast. The Happy Books Review Winner is Jim Heskett. Our featured Patrons are Plain Talk About Marketing Blog Tours, Blogging for Authors, and What Sells Books. Bryan gets into the Hot Tips which include how to usage issues with stock images, why self-doubt will take a toll on your creativity, and which promo sites could benefit your marketing. The story receiving Honorable Mention is the KU reporting crisis that’s making authors crazy! Bryan and the gang jump into this week's top five news stories, including what is the fate of the Createspace DVD program, a great author success story from Mary Crawford, how will the Kobo/Walmart partnership affect online ebook sales, why rebranding was the change that helped Jeremy Williams reach his financial goals, and how Authors Direct could change the audiobook market. Question of the Week: How do you think Authors Direct will disrupt Amazon? Will you publish your audiobooks through Authors Direct to contribute to that disruption? |
Wed, 25 July 2018
What’s your do or die author strategy to get the money you need for your business? Jim tells us a little about and how it can benefit authors with a big bundle of helpful services including one-on-ones. The Happy Book Reviews winner is Allen Alright. Bryan thanks our fabulous Patrons - Email Lists Made Easy for Writers and Bloggers, Sanyare: The Last Descendant, and The Ten-Year Turnaround: Transform Your Personal Finances and Achieve Financial Freedom in The Next Ten Years. The Hot Tips this week include how IngramSpark allows you to personalize your paperbacks for $1 per copy, why a writing routine is critical for author success, and what you need to know about keywords in your Amazon book description. The five stories that made the cut this week are which trademark dilemma is rocking the author world, why the Audible bounty increase may have a hidden downside, how constant care and attention to your marketing and content can add to your bottom line, how book stuffing and gaming the system is losing momentum and indie authors are finding huge success, and why giving readers something they don’t know they want can pay off BIG! Question of the Week: If you were forced into a "make or break moment," what would you do differently with your author business to get the money you needed in time? |
Wed, 18 July 2018
How will you adapt your advertising strategy to accommodate Amazon’s shifting policy on also-boughts? Bryan and Jim are both on hand this week and Bryan has a no-pitch webinar coming up and you get to choose the topic! Last week’s winner of the Happy Book Reviews feature is Laura Martone. Bryan thanks the awesome featured Patrons The Author's Guide to Ebook Bundling, More Than Monsters, and A Band Director's Guide to Everything Tuba. Three useful tips include how to effectively bend Amazon’s algorithm to you advantage, why writers underestimate the physical strain that writing takes, and what sales techniques will keep you stuck in the past with you book marketing efforts. We have an Honorable Mention news story regarding server issues for Amazon and Mailerlite. The top stories that are worth a listen this week include how a new Bookfunnel gifting feature can benefit you, why Amazon’s also-boughts could affect your ad strategy, author Galen Surluk-Ramsey’s personal success story, why collaboration and tropes in titles could be the boost you’ve been looking for, which literary writers are looking for television adaptations and why it’s so lucrative. Question of the Week: If Amazon goes through with its changes to limit also-boughts, will you add more advertising to your marketing to compensate or keep on keepin' on? |
Wed, 11 July 2018
If you could design a survey for the author community, what information would you gather? Jim is back on the show this week and he and Bryan had a great July 4th. Bryan announced the Happy Book Reviews winner Will Brown and the guys thank their iTunes reviewers for the great feedback. Bryan thanks the wonderful Patrons Nightblade, Gone, and The Cordova Vector. The fabulous weekly tips include how to get creative about your writing time, which tips can save you tons of time during the edit, and what marketing mistakes you might be in danger of making. Honorable mention story is who got the boot at Barnes and Noble. The top five stories that matter this week include how Amazon is expanding the ebook market, what’s pushing Createspace toward obsolescence, how one author revived old books, are author surveys uncovering truths or muddying the waters, and how mindset can increase monthly sales by ten times. Question of the Week: Aside from an income survey, what kind of survey of the author community do you feel would be the most helpful for you and why? |
Wed, 4 July 2018
Do you think the Association for Library Service to Children made the right decision in their attempt to airbrush history? Should history be rewritten? Bryan Cohen is flying solo this week, but the sound effects king Jim Kukral will be back next week! Our fabulous featured Patrons include Slow Burn: Zero Day, The Final Arrangement, and Wanderer’s Escape. This week’s Happy Book Reviews Feature winners are Darren Sapp and Franki Kidd. Get ready for hit tips including how to use the Dome of Silence to get great feedback on your writing, why extreme calendaring is the new sport for you, and which milestones and achievements can motivate your future projects. The five news stories that deserve your attention this week are why pronouns won’t double your income, which sales strategies can help you go wider than wide, how Wattpad is becoming the launchpad for original film and television content, when is it all right to airbrush history—if ever, and how author Barry Hutchinson combined a backlist and a rapid release strategy to explode his income. Question of the Week: Do you think Association for Library Service to Children made the right decision to rename its award? How do we best distinguish between racist themes, characters, and authors when looking back on books from the past? |
Wed, 27 June 2018
If you could have a “do-over” on launching any of your titles, what would you change? Bryan’s voice is back and Jim survived a horrendous landscaping accident! Remember to take advantage of the payment plan for the Sell More Books Show Summit tickets before it disappears on July 4th. Bryan thanks this week’s wonderful featured Patrons: How to Fight Fair in Your Marriage, Divorced Dad, and Somebody's Darling. This week’s Happy Book Reviews Feature winner is Steeven Orr! Some great tips include how to integrate Scrivener and Vellum, What the hot new marketing GIF collection can do for you, and why you might want to use a tone analyzer to evaluate your writing. Honorable Mention goes to the launch of Prime Reading in France. The five top news stories in this episode include how to use your existing social media to launch your first book, a relaunch success story from Danielle Romero, how to keep writing in spite of health issues, why you might want to serialize your rough draft to build readership, and you may have to collect sales tax in the near future. Question of the Week: Would you ever consider relaunching any of your books? If so, what strategies would you use to get them right the second time around? |
Wed, 20 June 2018
When you hit the big time how do you plan to be smart with your money and protect your financial future? This week's Happy Book Reviews Feature winner is Randy Green! Bryan is a little under the weather so Jim takes a moment to thank this week’s wonderful Patrons: Guild of Tokens, Planet Dead One Shot, and Gold Frankincense and Myrrh. This episode’s tips include how to compare KDP Print and Createspace, why you want to control your Also Boughts, and what price points will actually hurt your sales. The stories that fought their way to the top this week are how Amazon is bundling short stories and audio, what author M. A. Robbins did to hit his biggest month ever, why Amazon’s new gifting feature won’t actually effect sales numbers, when a rapid fire release strategy can really boost sales, and why you should take control of your finances with confidence. Question of the Week: If you were to become a big-name author, how would you handle your finances to ensure that unscrupulous people wouldn't siphon your funds behind your back? |
Wed, 13 June 2018
How confident are you that Amazon will keep current pricing with Audible? Bryan and Jim marvel at 219 straight weeks of podcasts and remind listeners to get Summit 2019 tickets before they are sold out. Bryan calls for indie author success stories and announces the QOTW winners. The guys thank ALL wonderful Patrons at Bryan and Jim have some helpful tips like using the right credit card to get points from your ad spend, how to re-invigorate your New Year’s resolutions, and which activities will help increase your productivity. The big news stories this week were how Chance Carter had to pay the piper, what are Apple and Amazon’s reader conversion plans, why one author is going wide for a launch advantage, why Amazon is taking a page from brick and mortar for pricing, which author’s series reboot hit the Top 1,000 in the Kindle Store, and why Amazon and Apple are in an audio content war. Question of the Week: Do you see Amazon sticking with the Audible model of $15 for one book (and its Channels content) per month or will it shift to an Unlimited model and why? |
Wed, 6 June 2018
What can you do to avoid getting derailed by stories of scammers on Amazon? Bryan returns from his trip to Virginia and he and Jim have a fantastic announcement about the Sell More Books Show Summit 2019. There’s a quick clarification regarding Reddit, a shout out for SMBS Bingo and then on to thank the Patrons, including Awakening Forever, Character Sketch & Color, and Twins of Prey. This week’s hottest Tips cover how to prevent procrastination with a daily routine, how to design a quick and useful logo, and which tools can create the launch buzz you need. The stories that made the news this week are why the Barnes and Noble CEO is out of touch, what happened to the author of Fight Club, why indie sci-fi and fantasy titles are keeping pace with trad pubbed ebooks, why diamonds aren’t always a girl’s best friend, and which strategies are not okay with Kindle Unlimited and who doesn’t seem to care. Question of the Week: Given the fact that Amazon likely can't stop ALL of the scammers ALL of the time, how will you best carry on without letting stories of bad practices dismantle your writing and marketing tasks? |
Wed, 30 May 2018
Are you taking steps to get more legitimate reviews on Amazon? Jim is back from fishing and he and Bryan both have great sales this week there’s the Happy Book Reviews summer deal from the Author Marketing Club. And it is the LAST day on Bryan’s book descriptions sale. The guys offer up a big thank you to this week’s Patrons - The Awakening, Carnal, and Twisting Fate. Also, Leo Petracci joins the fellas for their first lab segment in ages! There are three Hot Tips in this week’s show including when to relaunch a lagging series, how authors can rebuild their creativity by unlearning what they know, and what makes a successful cross-promotion. This week the five stories that made the news are why indie romance authors are finally getting a say in the UK, what prompted Amazon to crack down on serial returners, which tale of eBook woes and wins holds true, how to get out of Audible Romance, and who gets to review and who has limitations. Question of the Week: Were your books impacted by last week's purge of Amazon reviews? What will you do to ensure you continue to get more legitimate reviews in the future? |
Wed, 23 May 2018
Is something sinister afoot with the recent ending of Kindle Worlds or simply poor ROI for Amazon? Bryan welcomes his guest cohost Rachael Herron and offers listeners a heck of a summer deal on book Happy Book Reviews from the Author Marketing Club. And Bryan is still running his sale on book descriptions through May 30th. Rachael and Bryan offer up a huge thanks to this week’s Patrons - Angelborn, Dad’s Girls, and Black Shadow Moon. Hot tips of the week include how to get more reviews, why friends are not the best editors, and what to do about online bullies. This week’s top five news stories take us through who needs a morality clause in their contract, how to use social media Stories to your advantage, what are the pros and cons of direct sales, which author is most recently under attack from pirates, and why is Kindle Worlds getting the Deathstar treatment from the Amazon galaxy. Question of the Week: Did Amazon end the Kindle Worlds program because of something major behind the scenes or was it the result of underperformance? What's your reasoning for your choice? |
Wed, 16 May 2018
Are you prepared to handle something like having your KDP account suspended? Jim and Bryan discuss the fabulous feedback from the Summit and Bryan offers a Book Description coupon to give folks a chance to get in at the lower price before the increase at the end of the month. Jim shares an update on his journey into the fiction world. The guys offer up a big thanks to the Patrons - Prometheus, The Dragon Rustler, and Monkey Justice. This week's “must try” tips include Rachael Herron’s approach to streamlining revisions by keeping theme in mind, how authors can create one thousand true fans, and why offering a prequel novella may be the best way to draw readers into your series. This weeks top five news items will show you how you stack up with your social media marketing efforts, what benefits can be earned through a flagship series, why novelists face a different dilemma from their nonfiction counterparts, who is rebelling against the latest trademark-gate, and which authors are feeling the heat from Amazon’s scam filters. Question of the Week: What would you do if your KDP account was suspended? How would you protect your account in the future? |
Wed, 9 May 2018
How can we avoid picking up torches and joining the mob in the future? Bryan and Jim give a delightful summary of the fantastic Summit. It’s always a pleasure to thank our Patrons - Removed, Thawed, and the Hat Trick Series. This weeks hot tips include how authors can use ghostwriting to quit their day job, what authors should do to prepare for self-publishing 3.0, and which apps writers should download before their next conference. This week’s news is filled with HOT topics and surprising developments including Amazon’s new plan to reach out to young bookworms, the latest movie deal signed by one Wattpad author, interesting ways short fiction podcasters are monetizing their shows, one author made over $40k with only two published books, and how a steamy trademark dispute is dividing the indie community. Question of the Week: What should the indie community do to avoid a mob mentality in the future? Subquestion: What level of sound effects would you like in the show? More than this week, the same amount, or less? |
Mon, 7 May 2018
We're back from the 1st Annual Sell More Books Show Summit! On night #1, we recorded a live bonus episode of the show featuring tips from all of our speakers. Also, Jim is not intimidating and Bryan is exactly like you think he is. Enjoy the extra episode and the killer room noises! |
Wed, 2 May 2018
What is your top pick for the location of the 2019 Sell More Books Show Summit? Jim and Bryan started things off by thanking their wonderful patrons - The Outline Book, A Curse upon the Saints, and The Last Days. The guys have some great tips this week, including how to banish author burnout, why connecting with other indie authors through social media can build a better community, and what is the secret to success with Facebook groups. This week in news the guys dive into who can claim copyright violation by exploring the funky monkey case, learn more about trickle down royalties on Spotify and how that could be an omen for indies, uncover the truth behind the impostor syndrome on Amazon, explore Joanna Penn’s idea that authors could survive on micro payments, and discover what the traditional romance publishing industry is doing to move away from indie authors. Question of the Week: If we have a Sell More Books Show Summit in 2019, where should we have it and what should we cover? |
Wed, 25 April 2018
Do you have to write nonfiction to make it as an author? Is nonfiction a more steady earner? Bryan and Jim are both a little under the weather but the excitement of the upcoming Summit in Chicago fuels them on! They first thanked their generous patrons - Mayhem & Murder, Cubicle Jail to Laptop Lifestyle, and Where The Leaves Wither. Next the guys jump into some useful weekly tips, including how to cut editing costs, how making friends with the competition can payoff, and choosing the best price point for your next promo! This week in news hear the winning story of an unlikely writing team, find out how breaking the rules seems to work, discover the growing power of indie authors in the Author Support Network, learn more about modern-day pirates and their affect on indie authors, and get the details on why trad publishers are putting their bucks behind nonfiction. Question of the Week: Do you think nonfiction is a more reliable (slow and steady) earner than fiction? If you write fiction, have you considered writing nonfiction to supplement your income? |
Wed, 18 April 2018
How secure our your “author” passwords? Bryan & Jim are excited about the ramp up to the Summit and they took a moment to thank their generous patrons - Stalked by Flames, Sell More Books With Less Social Media, and Peaks of Passion: Pleasure Point Series Book One. The guys jumped right into this weeks tips, which include how to keep a long series profitable and when to end it, how to turn bad reviews into learning opportunities, and how to choose the right POV for your marketing copy. This week in news, discover some important things to consider before expanding your business, learn why Publishers Weekly is scrutinizing indie publishers, understand how AI search engines interact with books, listen to Bryan’s tale of getting hacked on Createspace and how to prevent the same thing from happening to you, and delve into one author’s thoughts on the new GDPR policy. Question of the Week: What do you do to secure your passwords for your author business? |
Wed, 11 April 2018
How would your life as an author change if someone posted all ebooks online for free? Jim and Bryan are back for more fun in the world of publishing. They start of by thanking their generous patrons: Shades of Treason: An Anomaly Novel, Ten Little Bridesmaids, and Time Code: The Best Collection of 52 Stories You Should Be Reading This Year. This week’s hot tips include why authors should use every tool at their disposal to promote their audiobooks, how authors can craft their marketing strategy by understanding website analytics, and how authors can increase production and decrease adverse health effects with proper use of dictation. In the news, Kindle Create’s new version now includes support for formatting books in a number of new languages, the writers at Quartz found out Google’s new text-to-speech system sounds indistinguishable from a human voice, why Amazon has filed suit against a UK self-publisher, and how multiple authors are losing thousands of dollars after a massive readjustment in earnings this past week. Question of the Week: If someone jailbroke all the ebooks in the world and posted them online for free, how would your author business change? |
Wed, 4 April 2018
Do we really want Amazon deciding what is “too filthy” for readers? Bryan is back from his mysterious absence last week and he took a moment with Jim to thank their generous patrons - Write! Shonen Manga, WordPress Security 101: How to Secure Your Website Against Hackers, and The Commons. Book 1: The Journeyman. Afterwards, they jumped right into this weeks tips, which include how authors can improve sales by testing their book covers, how authors can boost their productivity, and how you can fortify your Facebook security settings. This week in news, discover why readers and authors should give Google Play another try, learn more about the world of BookTubing with Ariel Bissett, find out how to boost your business with tips from Jane Friedman, learn if Barnes & Noble can win over readers with its new app, why we think Amazon is shutting down Kindle Scout, and how Amazon’s recent change filtered out adult-themes titles from main category rankings. Question of the Week: Should Amazon be able to judge which books are too "filthy" to sell? Why or why not? |
Wed, 28 March 2018
Genre related keywords in your subtitles: yay or nay? This week, Jim is joined by J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon who are filling in for a vacationing Bryan Cohen. They kick off this week’s episode with a quick “thank you” to they generous patrons: Rebel Song, Cowgirl, Unexpectedly, and Kiss Kill. This week’s tips include how authors can attract new audiences on Kickstarter, how writers can use short stories to build their fanbase and skills, why authors should simplify their calls to action. News items include Overdrive celebrating an historic milestone, Smashwords and Findaway Voices partner up, how authors can gain insight into Canadian readers, the rise in popularity of “Up Lit” novels, why Britain’s Book Industry Communication organization is calling for authors to stop using promotional content in subtitles, and how Amazon is making it a little more difficult to find reviewers and land publishing deals. Question of the Week: How do you approach subtitle metadata for your book? What's your take on the ethics of using genre-related keywords for your subtitle? Bonus: What was Bryan doing this week instead of co-hosting the show? |
Wed, 21 March 2018
Are romance listeners just in it for the good parts? After thanking their patrons, Strings of Subversion, The Unknown Devil, and Leading Effectively, Jim and Bryan took on the tips and news like always before. Tips included how a YA author took her second series to another level, how co-writers can collaborate to create better books, and what word count range genre authors should try to hit. News stories included Amazon encouraging Echo-read audiobooks, Microsoft's new dictation feature, Draft2Digital's new tool for authors, how Audible's feature may have undermined its unlimited service, why one indie author is writing at a tire shop, and why authors should ignore the odds. This week's Question of the Week: Romance authors, are your readers just in it for the "good parts," or are they interested in the book as a whole? Other authors, feel free to voice your thoughts on this too! |
Wed, 14 March 2018
Are there characters of various races, genders, and sexualities in your books? It’s been another fun week in the publishing world and Jim and Bryan are here to fill you in on all the goings on. First, they take a moment to thank their patrons: Dorothy and the Cane of Destiny, Fighting to Survive, and Flotsam. This week’s tips include how writers can become one-click authors, how authors can optimize their high-volume business models, how writers can improve their craft, build friendships, and make money by co-writing a series, and the latest stats on audiobook consumption. This week’s top headlines cover how traditionally published authors in the UK are demanding their fair share of royalties, another publishing service is open for business, audiobook lovers have a new place to check out bestselling titles, how traditional publishers are failing diverse writers and readers, and Amazon launches another imprint. Question of the Week: Do you make it a priority to include characters of different races, genders, and sexualities in your books? Why or why not? |
Wed, 7 March 2018
Royalty rates for all-you-can-listen to audiobooks: what do you think is fair? It’s another week of news and tips from the dynamic duo. Jim and Bryan take a moment to thank their generous patrons: Level Up LitRPG, DEAD STILL, and The Busy Author. This week’s tips include how authors can protect their work with a few simple tips, why authors should make Facebook Live part of their promotion strategy, and why authors should get in on the ground floor with voice technologies. In news: readers can join a new book club from Barnes & Noble, Amazon Affiliate members now have more ways to share, how one super fan is keeping their favorite author’s legacy alive, Amazon imprint ebooks are eating up the bestseller charts, and why romance authors are up in arms over their royalty payments from Audible Romance. Question of the Week: What do you think is a fair rate authors should be paid for all-you-can-listen audiobook downloads? |
Wed, 28 February 2018
![]() Will younger print readers stick with the medium when they get older or head to ebooks or audiobooks? The dynamic podcasting duo is back for another week of news and tips for authors. After taking a moment to thank their patrons: Triumviratus, Stone Cold, and The Hunted, they share some great tips including why indies should embrace their role as “Youpreneurs”, why writers should never give up on their books, and protecting their KDP by-line. Latest news items include why authors aren’t the only ones hurt by scammers, how the future of the internet rests in the hands of the next billion users, why a serial fiction startup is gaining traction, how shady characters are using CreateSpace to launder money, and why bestselling author Terry Goodkind stirred up a firestorm when he publicly ridiculed his cover art. Question of the Week: When the paperback-reading Snapchat generation gets into their 20s and 30s, will they keep reading paperbacks, move to ebooks, or go straight to audiobooks and why? |
Wed, 21 February 2018
Setting a $9.99 price point for your book? Crazy or the thing to do? Jim and Bryan are taking to the mic once again, this time they kick off the show with some exciting news about exciting news about Jim's traditionally published book and contract. Next they took a moment to acknowledge their generous patrons: Doubt the Stars, Guardian of the Grail, and Achieve Anything in Just One Year. Tips include how authors can get more reviews, venturing outside your comfort zone can be a good thing, and how to improve your time management. In the latest news, Michael Alvear shares a survey about authors' experiences with Facebook advertising, one Wattpad author may see her characters on TV, Kindle Worlds might not be all it’s cracked up to be, pricing ebooks at $9.99, and Barnes & Noble just laid off 1800 workers - could this be the beginning of the end? Question of the Week: Would you ever consider pricing your ebooks at $9.99? Why or why not? If you ever have priced your books higher than average, did you see any results? |
Wed, 14 February 2018
Get out your crystal balls: will people be listening to or reading books more in 5 years? Jim and Bryan are back with another dose of the latest news and tips in the publishing world. First up, they take a moment to thank their generous patrons: A Turn for the Worse, How to Become a Productivity Guru, and COLD WAR: Alien Incursion. This week’s tips include how writers can breathe new life into their outreach efforts, creating audiobooks, and expanding their international reach. In news: StreetLib expands its global reach, some traditionally published authors are joining together to self-publish short stories, the Washington Post is updates its bestseller list, Audible wins the rights to Shaun White’s memoir, and why authors should ignore naysayers and publish on their own terms. Question of the Week: What's going to be bigger in five years: audiobooks or ebooks? And why? |
Wed, 7 February 2018
To feed the trolls or not feed the trolls, that is the question. Bryan and Jim are back with the latest in publishing. First, they took a moment to thank their patrons: We Own the Sky, Faster Than Falling, and Leaving Eva. This week’s tips include how to reach more readers by building and organizing your email list, building brand recognition with an author logo, and expanding your social media reach with Grabbr. In news: Amazon partners with Susan G. Komen to fight breast cancer, new Amazon updates could give authors a sneak peak into the future of AMS, how to bring your storytelling to social media, why you should diversify your income, Draft2Digital's big plans to boost discoverability, and why authors may not want to be afraid to stand for what they believe in. Question of the Week: Should you avoid feeding the trolls and keep your career's status quo or is it better to feed the trolls for a chance at growing your business (with a chance of taking a hit as well)? And why? |
Wed, 31 January 2018
Will the teaming up of Kobo and Walmart be a dream for authors? On the momentous occasion of their 200th show, Jim and Bryan kick off the fun with a special thanks to their patrons The Darby Shaw Chronicles box set, God and Gigs: Succeed as a Musician Without Sacrificing Your Faith, and Star Flame: A Story from the Meclauks Kingdom. Helpful tips this week include how authors can maximize sales with an eye-catching title, jumpstarting your promotions, and improving Kobo sales. In news, recently launched Bookstat could be headed for some legal trouble, Barnes & Noble has changed the name of Nook Press and made a few other tweaks to their set-pub platform, why writers should be on the lookout for Author Solutions clones, speculation on Apple's latest move and what it will mean, and Walmart and Kobo announces a new partnership. Question of the Week: What's your first reaction to Kobo and Walmart teaming up? Do you think you'll sell more books on Kobo as a result of the partnership? Why or why not? |
Wed, 24 January 2018
Has Data Guy sold out? Bryan and Jim are back for another week of the latest news and tips for authors. After taking a moment to thank their patrons How to Kick Author Overwhelm to the Curb, The Thing Speaks for Itself, and Dark as the Grave, they jump into this weeks tips. Authors can get to know their readers better with some simple tips, boost reader interest by thinking outside the box, and how indie authors can avoid getting booted out of Facebook Groups . News items include how authors should never give up trying to get their rights back, Amazon raising the monthly Prime subscription rate, CreateSpace shutting down some of its divisions, Data Guy launching Bookstat, and the latest Author Earnings report. Question of the Week: Did Data Guy sell out by starting Bookstat? |
Wed, 17 January 2018
Is the 50% KDP royalty rate a goof or a hint at something coming? Bryan and Jim take a moment to thank their wonderful patrons: The Author’s Guide to Ebook Bundling, More than Monsters, and A Band Director’s Guide to Everything Tuba. They’ve got some great tips this week including how authors can make their “Look Inside” shine, hooking more readers with tips from BookFunnel, improving chances with Kindle Scout, and a new publishing platform which combines crowdfunding and author services reports. The latest news items include how retailers are expanding reach into Arabic language ebook markets, how Sarah A. Denzil’s thriller Silent Child received the most 5-star reviews of any released in 2017, optimizing Amazon book pages with insights from an eye-tracking study from LookTracker Research Laboratory, an error in KDP’s royalty rate options is causing many authors to wonder what Amazon has coming up next, and some big changes in Facebook’s News Feed that will affect authors and other publishers on the platform. Question of the Week: Do you think Amazon's inclusion of a 50% KDP royalty rate was a mistake or an indication of some future plan? If Amazon does have plans for the royalty rate, what do you think they are and why? And what do you think we should do special for Episode 200? |
Wed, 10 January 2018
Reminder: Jan. 12th is the final day to get your SMBS Summit ticket at the early bird price! Jim and Bryan kick things off with a big thanks to their featured patrons. Tips include why midlevel authors should slow down or pick up the pace, how authors get into the right business mindset, and how one author went from KU to wide. In news, one author’s Amazon rank was stripped for a third time, new and continuing trends for 2018, why Indian girls are falling behind when it comes to internet access, how scammers are stuffing books, and how one cease and desist letter helped project a book to the top of the charts. Question of the Week: By linking to a free preview far at the end of an unlabeled multi-book collection, did the romance author we discussed do something opportunistic or simply unethical? If you saw a similar tweak that could get you more pages read from KU, would you do it if you knew Amazon was unlikely to take action? Why or why not? Question of the Week: By linking to a free preview far at the end of an unlabeled multi-book collection, did the romance author we discussed do something opportunistic or simply unethical? If you saw a similar tweak that could get you more pages read from KU, would you do it if you knew Amazon was unlikely to take action? Why or why not? |
Wed, 3 January 2018
If a business sends an email about an ill-conceived program, would you have a chat with them or respond in anger? Getting 2018 started off with a bang, Bryan and Jim thank their wonderful patrons Gone, The Cordova Vector, and Taking Charge: Making Your Healthcare Appointments Work for You. The first tips of the year include how authors can gather more audiobook reviews, how authors can combat common health problems, and how to set writing goals. In news, find out what changed Playster has made to their audiobook service, changes coming to Amazon author portals, how one man transformed from cancer survivor to a bestseller, information on the new tax code, Facebook's revised News Feed algorithm, and what one literary magazine did to upset the indie author community. Question of the Week: If you got an email like the one NY Literary Magazine sent out, would you respond with anger or would you try to make the sender understand the error of their ways? |