The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

What’s been the biggest game changer in publishing since the Kindle was released 10 years ago? Jim and Bryan start out with a thank you to their patrons A Dragon Among Eagles: A Novel of the Roman Empire, Blogging for Authors, and The Ten-Year Turnaround: Transform Your Personal Finances and Achieve Financial Freedom. This week’s tips include how authors can save tons of money by avoiding these unnecessary publishing expenses, making the transition from KU to wide a bit easier, and increasing engagement on Facebook with hints from Andrea Vahl. News includes how Anna Todd is returning to her indie roots with her next series, the latest PEW survey suggests keeping tabs on the reading habits of millennials when publishing, an inspiring interview with Mark Stay and Mark Desvaux about their Bestseller Experiment, speculation on what is triggering recent Amazon rank strips, and the 10th anniversary of the Kindle. Question of the Week: What do you think has been the biggest innovation in publishing since the Kindle device went live in 2007 and why?

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What marketing trends will be old news in 2018? After taking a moment to thank their patrons Rebel Song, Cowgirl, Unexpectedly, and Kiss Kill: Book 1 in The Girl in the Book Series, Jim and Bryan share helpful hints for authors like why authors need to block out other people’s voices while writing, how to use large-scale industry trends to improve sales, what auto-sequence one author uses to hook readers, and how LeadPages can help take the hassle out of Facebook ads. In publishing news, authors can share select passages of their books with sharable links, which market trends will become obsolete in 2018, what one writer predicts for Amazon’s entertainment ambitions, what KDP Print is offering to select authors, and why Kobo Writing Life is saying goodbye to a familiar face. Question of the Week: Which marketing strategies that work in 2017 do you think will fade away in 2018 and why?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Up for Chicago in May? It’s the perfect time to join Jim and Bryan for the Sell More Books Summit - have you booked your tickets yet? After taking a moment to thank their patrons, Leading Effectively: Proven Leadership, Ten Little Bridesmaids, and Sanyare: The Last Descendant, Jim and Bryan share tips on better use of Amazon KDP keywords, the plus-side of releasing books quickly, and using your personal mindset to increase success. In the news, latest research indicated libraries are a powerful, expanding marketplace for authors, Harry Potter meets the creators of Pokemon Go for a new augmented reality game, Google has opened up their publishing portal again on a case-by-case basis, what options Pronoun users have now that the platform is closing, and the business model for indie authors has finally stabilized giving authors what they need to run their own scalable businesses. Question of the Week: Are you coming to the Sell More Books Show Summit on May 4-6, 2018 in Chicago? What are you most looking forward to about the conference?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Did you see the Pronoun writing on the wall? After thanking their patrons Manhunt: The Power to Restore Civilization, Creative Collaborations: How to Form Lasting and Lucrative Partnerships without Being Smarmy, Write Like a Boss: From a Whisper to a Roar, guest co-host Honoree Corder joined Bryan for tips onn setting goals, using a Twitter hack to grow your email list, and using weekly meetings to boost productivity. In a big news week, they cover changes coming in the US brick and mortar bookstores, story trends, a special Kindle app for readers in India, Audible’s new romantic side, and Pronoun’s last stand. Question of the Week: Should we have seen the closure of Macmillan's Pronoun coming? What should we do in the future to be prepared for major changes in the industry?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

With Amazon’s recent rank stripping, should authors focus on a slow and steady promo effort rather than starting off with a bang? After thanking their patrons Guerrilla Tactics Against Passive Aggression in the WorkPlace, 31 Days of Wisdom, and Wanderer's Escape, the dynamic duo of Jim and Bryan jump into tips about authors not feeling like imposters, keeping motivated during NaNoWriMo, and adjusting MailChimp settings. New items featured John Grisham’s biggest financial mistake, reading easier on mobile phones, Amazon cracking down on rank manipulation, Twitter locking authors out of their accounts, and why pirated books may not be as harmless as some think. Question of the Week: Given Amazon's recent rank stripping of promoted books, do you think you'll do fewer launch-style promotions and go for the slow and steady approach? Why or why not?

Direct download: SMBS_187.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST