The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

Jim and Bryan are back with news about 2016 author data, audiobook monopolies, Microsoft’s new ebook store, and more! After thanking their patrons Pirates vs. Dragons, A Curse Upon the Saints, and Peaks of Passion, the talented twosome took on tips related to LinkedIn, the pulp mindset, and using Vellum on a PC. News stories included Kobo’s progress with Overdrive, Macmillan’s play with Pronoun, the new Microsoft ebook store, a big potential change in audiobooks going forward, and Data Guy’s 2017 Digital Book World presentation. This week’s Question of the Week: If you were publishing an audiobook on Audible today, given the potential of change in the next 7 years, would you go exclusive for higher royalties, or non-exclusive to take advantage of the potential new channels?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Once you get Jim and Bryan started, they’ll never stop, and here comes episode 146! Inside, they discuss tips on brand building, mini goals, and a new affiliate plugin for Amazon. After thanking their patrons Cubicle Jail to Laptop Lifestyle, 31 Days of Wisdom, and Witch’s Sacrifice, they took on the news, which included stories on ebooks in libraries, writing income, ebook subscription models, indie startups, and whether or not recent news stories spell doom for indies. This week’s Question of the Week: What would you do with your $400,000 advance?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Bryan and Jim have chutzpah, and they’re not afraid to show it with their contentious opinions on 2017 predictions, copyright issues, and more. After thanking their patrons, Covermint Design, Black Shadow Moon, and Twisting Fate, they tackled tips on self-publishing resources, interior book design, and advice for newbies. News stories included Amazon Books and locker locations, Jane Friedman’s trends for 2016, an author with unfair copyright issues, another author’s reasoning for leaving KU, and the top predictions for 2017. This week’s Question of the Week: Which paid advertising platforms do you think will be most effective in 2017?

Direct download: SMBS_145.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

It’s bonus time! On January 1st, Bryan delivered a Facebook Live pep talk to all authors for 2017. Give it a listen to get some inspiration for the next 12 months!

Direct download: The_2017_Author_Pep_Talk_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Welcome to 2017! Jim and Bryan took on the latest tips and news, including the sudden closure of All Romance Ebooks, new Kindle Unlimited box set rules, and the angry response to the recent Huffington Post anti-self-publishing article. After thanking their patrons, Ambition by Geoff North, How I Sold 80,000 Books by Alinka Rutkowska, and Song of Blood & Stone by L. Penelope, the guys tackled tips on AMS keywords, ACX, and the Self-Publishing Calculator. This week’s Question of the Week: Do you use Smashwords to publish your books wide?

Direct download: SMBS_144.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST