The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

With the 3-year-mark approaching, Jim and Bryan took on stories about Joanna Penn’s new small press, J.A. Konrath’s unboxed stories, and more! After thanking their patrons The Prosperous Writer’s Guide to Making More Money, Removed, and A Curse upon the Saints, the tactical twosome took on tips about launching, cover design, and newsletters. Other stories included KDP Print going public, the need (or lack thereof) for sensitivity readers, and author rank. This week’s Question of the Week is: If you found some old stories on your hard drive or in your attic, would you polish them up or publish them right away as-is? Answer honestly given your current production schedule!

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The Big 150 is here, and Jim and Bryan are ready for a trip down memory lane before speeding toward the future. After playing a clip from their first episode, they thanked their patrons Where The Leaves Wither, The Last Days, and The Outline Book. They also covered tips on owning your destiny, learning from the right kind of authors, and balancing your art and your business. News stories included alleged Australian agent hijinks, the end of Samhain Publishing, aggregators baiting new author clients, small publishing house struggles, and a huge feature in The Times for indie authors. This week’s Question of the Week: When did you start listening to The Sell More Books Show? Do any memories stick out as the moment you decided to stick with the show for the long haul? (Also, feel free to add any comedic moments you remember from the past 149 episodes!)

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We’re one episode away from the Big #150, and to celebrate, we covered the latest news, including Amazon’s potential integration with PayPal and the end of Shelfie. After thanking their patrons Taking Charge, The Secret Blush, and 31 Days of Wisdom, Jim and Bryan tackled tips on paid marketing, switching genres, and going wide with audio. News stories included Smashwords expanding its library offerings, the new KU-like program Radish, changes to Kindle Scout on the reader side, the end of Shelfie, and how PayPal could change the way Amazon customers buy books. This week’s Question of the Week: Which of these three stories will have the most impact on Indies’ bottom line over the next few years: the Radish payment model, the Kindle Scout Leaderboard system, or PayPal integrating with Amazon and why?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Never fear, the Kukral Bestseller List will always cater to indies! This week, Bryan went solo to tackle stories about the NY Times cutting some ebook lists, the trials and tribulations of Jeffrey M. Poole’s KU account, and several ideas on what indies and publishers can do next to find success. After thanking the SMBS patrons The Efficient Writer, Gone, and The Cordova Vector, Bryan also took on tips about 2016 marketing strategies, bad reviews, and DBW findings. This week’s Question of the Week: What should indies who’ve been targeting the bestseller lists do with their time and money now that they have less of a chance to make a list?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST