The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

This week Claire is back and we have a great show for you! This week’s Best Page Forward book description winner is Bradley. Thank you to our featured Patrons - The Busy Busy Author, Leading Effectively, and Dorothy and the Cane of Destiny. Top Tips of the week include why you should have a positive mindset this upcoming season, what tricks you should know about social media to help your engagement, and how you can keep your writing momentum strong. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what’s new with Audible, how Facebook Ads are changing, how to market your book, why the pressure is on for Barnes and Noble, and what indie authors need to prepare for when it comes to Amazon. Question of the Week: Looking back, what was the best use of your marketing time during your first year publishing?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

This week Bryan is joined by Patrick O’Donnell’s and Jim Kukral! Bryan has a Book Description webinar this Thursday on the 5 mistakes authors most commonly make with their book descriptions, be sure to check that out. Check out Patrick’s website at the link provided. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Lisa M. Lilly. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Email Lists Made Easy for Writers and Bloggers, Kiss Kill, and The Sell Smarter Collection. Top Tips of the week include what to know about Kindle Daily Deals, how to find the perfect audiobook reader for you, and what Dave Chesson is sharing about Amazon categories. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how much writers can work and still be considered freelance, who is interested in buying Simon & Schuster, why Amazon’s Audible Escape subscription service is being discontinued, why 20BooksTo50K indie conference is being cancelled, and what strategies you can learn to keep yourself sane as an author. Question of the Week: What are you going to do to connect with the people that you want to connect with this year via the internet since there are no in person events?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

This week we have a great show for you, we’re talking a lot about timelines. Don’t forget to check out Claire's new course and Bryan has a webinar next Thursday on the 5 mistakes authors most commonly make with their book descriptions so stay tuned for more info on that. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Chez Churton. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Doubt The Stars, Leah’s Choice, and Plague at Snake Creek. Top Tips of the week include why to think about putting out a Christmas-related book, what getting some time in nature can do for you, and how connecting with new people helps your marketing. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what author Joanna Penn has learned in her nine years as a full-time author, where is Goodreads going, why you need to put in the time to market a good book, what Amazon’s new book clubs feature does, and why Facebook ads are getting cancelled. Question of the Week: Looking back on a timeline of the last six years of your successes and failures, what important insights or perspective can you take away from it?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

This week Claire has an AMA coming up on September 10th where she will be answering all story questions and questions about her course so don’t miss out on it! We’ve got a great show for you. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcast. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Darren Sapp. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Inharmonic, DEAD STILL, and Pendant. Top Tips of the week include how to get a good cover for bargain prices, everything you need to know about author mailing lists, and why Pinterest could be the marketing tool your looking for. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include whats happening with Amazon’s shipping, what lessons authors have learned during the pandemic, why there is a need for virtual bodyguards for online events, what Amazon is doing to their buy button, and how a free book in your series can help you. Question of the Week: What’s one positive thing you’re experiencing that you wouldn’t have experienced were it not for the pandemic-related changes to the world?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

This week we get to hear about Claire’s new Super Charge Your Story Course that just launched so be sure to check it out. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcast. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Dave Core. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Not Write Now, Kept In The Dark, and Excelsior. Top Tips of the week include what four things you need for a perfect cover, why Apple Books is promoting “First in a Series Free”, and what a standing desk can do for you. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include why Powell’s Books is pulling out of Amazon, what tips Chris Fox has for making your characters feel real, what’s next for Spotify, why publishers booksellers and authors are joining forces against Amazon, and how self confidence can help you grow as an author. Question of the Week: Do you think Amazon warrants some kind of anti-trust action and should be split up into different companies to further competition? And how might that affect self publishing in the years going forward?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST