The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

Did you see the Pronoun writing on the wall? After thanking their patrons Manhunt: The Power to Restore Civilization, Creative Collaborations: How to Form Lasting and Lucrative Partnerships without Being Smarmy, Write Like a Boss: From a Whisper to a Roar, guest co-host Honoree Corder joined Bryan for tips onn setting goals, using a Twitter hack to grow your email list, and using weekly meetings to boost productivity. In a big news week, they cover changes coming in the US brick and mortar bookstores, story trends, a special Kindle app for readers in India, Audible’s new romantic side, and Pronoun’s last stand. Question of the Week: Should we have seen the closure of Macmillan's Pronoun coming? What should we do in the future to be prepared for major changes in the industry?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST