The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

Jim stepped in as chief news readers again this week as he and Bryan took on news about Kickstarter’s pledge change, Amazon’s scorched earth policy in Australia, and your new favorite self-publishing metaphor. Bryan’s Selling for Authors course is now open again for a limited time and available at (available through May 2nd). After thanking their patrons Sanyare: The Last Descendant, Plain Talk Book Marketing Blog Tours, and Blogging for Authors, Bryan and Jim tackled tips on Facebook ads, spreading out your KDP Select free days, and KDP Print. Other news stories included Scribl, Amazon Subscribe, and a peach farming mentality to publishing. This week’s Question of the Week: Do you think Kickstarter’s new feature to let guests contribute without signing up will increase the chances of funding for publishing projects? Why or why not?

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