The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

After sharing the results of the first ever SMBS Presidential Election, Jim and Bryan took on the latest in book marketing news. Tips included solidifying your successful author mindset, the importance of focus during your writing time, and which type of marketing works best. Following their honoring of recent patrons Ethan Jones (and his book The Secret Blush ), Chris Syme (and her book SMART Social Media For Authors ), and Geoff North (and his book Thawed: CRYERS http:// ), they touched on news stories related to Ellora’s Cave, publishing submission fees, Amazon Prime Reading, KDP page read errors, and KDP Print paperbacks. This week’s Question of the Week is: Will you stick with CreateSpace or test out KDP Print and why? Also, who would you like to be SMBS President?

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST