The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

What do you think the secret is to local indie bookstore survival? Bryan discusses the benefits of matching family snowsuits and Jim hopes all of you had a wonderful holiday. Thursday, November 29, Bryan, Jim, J. Thorn, and Zach Bohannon will be hosting a free webinar designed to help you achieve the sales and success you need. (Link in the show notes) Over on Author Marketing Club there is a fantastic sale in progress! The Happy Book Reviews Feature winner is Holly Ostara. Bryan thanks our featured Patrons: WordPress Security 101: How to Secure Your Website Against Hackers, Awakening Forever, and Flotsam. The Hot Tips this week include why commenting on a Netflix Facebook page could be a fun strategy, how beta reader diversity can help your writing, and what Amazon Giveaways can do for your marketing. The news stories that are important to indies right now are the benefits of giving your books to people in need, why Bryan thinks indie bookstores are on an upsurge, the Honey Phillips success story, how Jim thinks the indie author journey will differ from indie musicians, and how research paid off for author Sadie Moss. Question of the Week: When's the last time you went into an independent bookstore? How do you think the indie bookstores around you have stuck around for the long haul?

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