The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

What marketing trends will be old news in 2018? After taking a moment to thank their patrons Rebel Song, Cowgirl, Unexpectedly, and Kiss Kill: Book 1 in The Girl in the Book Series, Jim and Bryan share helpful hints for authors like why authors need to block out other people’s voices while writing, how to use large-scale industry trends to improve sales, what auto-sequence one author uses to hook readers, and how LeadPages can help take the hassle out of Facebook ads. In publishing news, authors can share select passages of their books with sharable links, which market trends will become obsolete in 2018, what one writer predicts for Amazon’s entertainment ambitions, what KDP Print is offering to select authors, and why Kobo Writing Life is saying goodbye to a familiar face. Question of the Week: Which marketing strategies that work in 2017 do you think will fade away in 2018 and why?

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