The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice
Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts joined Jim and Bryan to discuss the results of last week's March to a Bestseller 2 event. The gang discussed over 100 writing tips from Galleycat, the author success traits that are more important than talent and lessons learned from MTAB2. In the news this week were stories based on Kindle Unlimited earnings, the Indie Author Power Pack's push for the bestseller list, the importance of your book launch, the Nook Press push for print on demand and traditional publishing's view on contracts with indies. The sound is a little off in this episode, so please bear with us until we get back to normal next week! This week's Question of the Week: What role do book launches play in your marketing? Have you ever had a successful book launch? If so, how'd you do it? Music: Inspirational, Promo Presentation Music by Marcus Neely (Creative Commons)
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